Best HEALTHY Energy Drink? Globallee TAKA™ Review

Quick review of Globallee’s Hibiscus and Blueberry Lemonade TAKA™ healthy energy powder full of nutrients from herbs, plants and superfoods. I’ll be going over some of the pros, cons, and also how you can save some money.

The Introduction To TAKA™

I first heard about TAKA™ from a friend that has been in the supplement game for quite some time. He said, “I’ve been drinking this new stuff, I have extra, come over you gotta try it.” That was March of 2019 and I don’t think I’ve gone a day without one since.

TAKA™ Pros

First things first, the taste of both Hibiscus and Blueberry Lemonade TAKA™ are really good.

If I had to pick a favorite it would actually be the hibiscus. I really like it because it doesn’t have a strong floral taste it’s more on the sweeter side.

As for the blueberry lemonade I didn’t really care for it at first. Once I figured out if I don’t use as much water and add some ice, I really enjoy it.

Pro tip: If you happen to pick some of this stuff up, the hibiscus is amazing with hot water. Boil some up, drop it on there, you’re ready to rock.

TAKA Blog - The BeneFitters.jpg

Second off something that is really important, to me at least, is how easy it is to take anywhere I go.

I use to be a performer in a Cirque du Soleil show and we had a juicer there on tour. I used that thing every day. One thing I didn’t like was the clean up.

With TAKA™ they come in these little packets and I just drop it into a shaker or a bottle of water and I’m good to go. I have these things everywhere. In my car, my back pack, I’ll find them in pockets. You know when you find a five dollar bill out of no where and you’re like, “uuuhh jackpot!” same thing with these bad boys.

There were supplements that I felt helped me out in my day to day life but they didn't work so well for my fiancé, Jessica. Since we're a team, I really wanted to find something out there that we both could BeneFit from.

Jessica use to be a hardwood and tile floor layer. Before work she'd go to the gas station and get herself a coffee, an energy drink, and sometimes an energy shot as well so she could make it through her day. She also had back problems from a horse accident a few years prior. Every day she'd come home, grab her heating pad, and lay on the couch until it was time for bed. Rest, and repeat...

This wasn't her normal self. She's an outdoorsy girl and enjoys getting her hands dirty. We have 6 horses, 3 cats, and 2 dogs so there is plenty of stuff for us do to around the house.

Once we found out about TAKA™, Jessica went all in. She cut out the daily coffees, still having one every now and then. As for the other "energy" drinks, she completely replaced them with TAKA™ and thats when the real "magic" started to happen...

"For the last four years my weight would fluctuate between 165 and 175. I hurt my back in a horse accident and it was hard to enjoy doing the things I loved. Everyday I was in pain. I don’t believe in popping Aleve like skittles, so I learned t…

"For the last four years my weight would fluctuate between 165 and 175. I hurt my back in a horse accident and it was hard to enjoy doing the things I loved. 

Everyday I was in pain. I don’t believe in popping Aleve like skittles, so I learned to live with it... I’ve tried several different products for losing a few. I tried TAKA 60 days ago. I’m down 20 pounds. I feel better. I still don’t eat very clean. I don’t go to the gym. The inflammation in my back has drastically decreased making it easier to get out of bed. I finally found something for me and am excited to see where it takes me!" - Jessica

She’s super happy she lost some weight. I think it’s a total of 35 pounds now. I’m super happy her back isn’t bothering her anymore.

On to the energy. TAKA™ doesn’t have any caffeine or sugar so it’s not going to make you feel jittery. After I drink one there is no spike and then a crash. I can feel the boost it gives me but it’s gradual and it lasts long.

So What’s In TAKA™?

  • Tumeric: Helps reduce inflammation.

  • Aloe Vera: Often referred to as “Nature’s Miracle Plant.” So many BeneFits.

  • Ionic Minerals: Helps keep your bones, muscles, heart, and brain all working properly.

  • Rhodiola Rosea: An adaptogen that helps reduce the negative effects of stress.

Click here to see a full list of ingredients in TAKA™.

TAKA™ Cons

Now you might be thinking this is too good to be true, what are the negatives? One complaint that I’ve heard from a couple of friends that TAKA™ was that when you’d mix it with cold water, it wouldn’t dissolve very easy. I found that if I use it in a shaker bottle, that isn’t problem. If you’re putting it in a regular water bottle, just let it sit for a couple minutes then shake it up again and it’s fine.

Something else that might seem like a con to some is the initial price. A box of TAKA™ comes with 15 packets each. Now it depends on how you order but they an actually get down to $1.66 a drink which I don’t think is bad at all.

Plus I know if I went to the gas station every day I’d be spending at least that, probably more on something that’s not healthy for me and be tempted to buy other things while I’m in there.


With TAKA™, it’s simple. I just signed up as a “preferred customer” which doesn’t cost anything extra. It actually gets you a 20% discount and puts me on an auto ship so I don’t even have to think about ordering every month. If I ever want to cancel I just log in and hit the deactivate button so definitely worth it for the 20% discount.

Another thing that’s cool about TAKA™ and Globallee in general is that the CEO of the company is actually the guy who makes the products. He believes in it so much they have a 60 day money back guarantee. So there was hardly any risk at all for us to try it out.

One last thing I want to talk about is that those who do intermittent fasting like I do, specifically 16:8, with TAKA there are only 15 calories per packet so I can have one during my fast and it won’t break it.

If you want to learn more about intermittent fasting, you can grab your FREE Intermittent Fasting Guide that shows you 14 of the most common mistakes and how to avoid them so you can start off on the right track.

How To Order

Option 1: Retail Customer

  • One Time Order

Option 2: Preferred Customer

  • 20% Discount

  • AutoShip (Cancel Anytime)

  • Bulk Orders Available (Bigger Discounts)

Both Options come with the 60 day money back guarantee.

Is TAKA™ The Best Healthy Energy Drink?

From the farm-to-market ingredients, price, taste, and overall health BeneFits for your body, I definitely think TAKA™ is on of the best choices you can make for not only HEALTHY energy drinks, but energy drinks in general.


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